Hayden Hill
Hayden founded PianoGroove in 2015 with the goal of making the world a more musical place. He shares his love for jazz piano through his online courses and manages the community area of PianoGroove.
August 11 · 2023
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- Body & Soul - Simplified Changes
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Seminar Description
Seminar Description
We continue our exploration of solo jazz piano techniques by analysing this recording of “Body & Soul” by YouTube musician Pianista Italiano.
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Beautiful arrangement Hayden.
Loved it. 👍
Thanks Karl – I’m really glad you enjoyed it!
I agree it’s a beautiful interpretation by Pianista Italiano; full of really interesting harmonic and melodic devices to create texture when playing solo piano.
The chapter titles that I have added outline the key devices he is using. His rich sus13 chords moving to altered dominants & his upper structure triad runs and voicings are the main ways that he adds interesting colours and textures to his playing.
Talk soon, cheers,
ps. Here are a couple of references:
In chapter 6 I mention this course for simple melodic ideas over minor chords: pianogroove.com/jazz-piano-lessons/minor-harmony-improvisation/ – the ideas that we cover in this course are similar to his melody over the F-7 in the intro where he is using the first 5 notes of the minor scale.
Around 20 minutes into the seminar we analyse the movement of Imaj7 to IV7 to setup the iii-7 chord. We use this exact same movement in “The Most Beautiful Intro Progression” here: pianogroove.com/jazz-piano-lessons/beautiful-chord-progression/ – and it’s interesting to see how Pianista Italiano uses this same movement in the key of Db Major with his crunchy rootless voicings.
Would you please update forward and backward controls on this video. Thanks
Hi Edwin,
Yes that’s done. I’m unsure why they were not showing originally so I refreshed the video source and now they appear.
Enjoy the lesson!
Hi Hayden
Do you have the lead sheet link you can post onto this seminar to print off.
Many thanks
Hi Karl,
Apologies for the late reply here – I have just added a new chord chart to the seminar resources on this page.
I created a lot of space between the staffs so that there is lots of room to add notes and reharms to the lead sheet. It’s useful to write shorthand notes and chord symbols directly on the lead sheet outlining reharms, voicing extensions, alterations etc.. and often we can write multiple options for the same chord to jog our memory that multiple options exist.
The full course on this tune is coming along nicely, I’m aiming to publish at least the first half this month. More updates to follow.
Talk soon, cheers,