Hayden Hill
Hayden founded PianoGroove in 2015 with the goal of making the world a more musical place. He shares his love for jazz piano through his online courses and manages the community area of PianoGroove.
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Seminar Description
Seminar Description
In this seminar we study Eddie’s arrangement of the tune “Over The Rainbow” examining his voicings, fills, and reharmonisations.
Very nice Hayden! I was able to come in and out during the live. Since, I have listened to the entire session. He has some lovely runs and I think they even sound good when played more slowly. Overall, stylistically I probably slightly prefer Beegie…but he has some great techniques as well as some that are similar to hers. I really like how he uses the arpeggio to switch octaves. His bridge on this song is very pretty too. I will be working on this and using your arrangement as a base while incorporating parts of his.
Also…thought the agenda breakdown was very good and will be useful as a reference while working on the piece.
As always…thanks for all you do. I absolutely love these seminars!
Thanks Celia. I’m really glad that you enjoyed the session.
Likewise I love presenting these seminars :-)
Hi Hayden,
these seminars are great, I really enjoyed them and also your site is a great innovation as well for learning to play this style of music.
Thanks heaps and love your work.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the comment and I’m glad to hear you enjoyed this session.
We will be covering more of Eddie Higgins’ style and piano arrangements in upcoming seminars.
ps. you might also like to check out the Beegie Adair themed seminars: community.pianogroove.com/t/how-to-play-like-beegie-adair/6933/ – she has a similar style to Eddie Higgins.
Hayden, outstanding session. The upper structures are fascinating as are his runs. Remind us of fingering for some of the runs in next session. But this is terrific.
Thanks Michael, I’m really glad you enjoyed the session.
Yes that’s a great suggestion to focus in more detail on Eddie’s fingering of specific runs and fills. I have added this to my agenda for the next seminar on his style.