Major 251 Progression Tutorial
The 251 progression is the most common progression in jazz. Most jazz standards and lead sheets that you come across will contain a 251 progression in some form so it is essential that you know how to construct and play the 251.
In this lesson we discuss the basics of the progression and what to look out for to identify 251s on lead sheets and jazz standards.
Downloadable Lesson Supplement
The first step is to learn and memorise the major 251 progression using the 3 note voicings found in this lesson supplement:
251 Variations
You will also come across incomplete 251s which are known as 25s. Being able to spot 25s and 251s will greatly improve your ability to pick up and play a lead sheet.
You need to be able to visualise this progression with the 3rd on the bottom and the 7th on the bottom. We cover both of these starting positions in the lesson.
The Rootless 251 & Minor 251 Progressions
Once you are comfortable with the major 251, you can then move onto the rootless major 251 progression and the minor 251. These 2 progressions are more challenging and you can watch these tutorials in the course on Left Hand Voicings.
Lesson Downloads
3 Note Major 251 Progressions File Type: pdf
Major Scale Diatonic 7th Chords File Type: pdf
Practice Tips
Learning and memorising the major 251 progression is an important step in learning jazz harmony.
You need to be able to visualise the voice leading of b7s falling to 3rds, in both Type A and Type B starting positions.
Try to play the major 251s every time you sit down to practice until you can play them in all 12 keys without mistakes.
When practicing, don't always start with C Major. Mix up the key you start in to make sure you are familiar with all 12.
Check out the PDF practice plan for this course and use it to structure your practice sessions.
Can I get midi file for every lesson if I get Pro Membership?
Hey There!
For most theory lessons you can download lesson supplements. For example, this lesson on Major 251s comes with these 2 supplements:
An annotated worksheet contains the exact notes i played in the tutorial:
This documents gives you the 251 progression in all 12 keys:
Most jazz standards tutorials come with a midi file, a lead sheet and a full note-for-note transcription.
Hope this helps :-)
What fingering should be uses?
What fingering should be used?
Hey Ana 👋
I’d recommend that you use what feels comfortable….
The main purpose of this exercise is to visualise the guide tones which is 7ths falling to 3rds. This is why I try to move the rest of my hand out of the way so that you can see this movement clearly. This is to add extra clarity for the student.
When you move onto the rootless 251: – you will find that your hand will feel more comfortable.
A general rule with fingering is to keep the thumb off the black notes because this impairs your mobility. In some cases you will have to use your thumb for black notes but always be conscious of this.
I hope this helps, if you would like me to elaborate on any of the above, just let me know :-)
So when you play a lead sheet, do you somehow spot the chord progression and insert one of these voicings as a skeleton and then add in the melody notes?
Hi Alex,
Yes that’s right, you would play the melody note above these voicings to get simple ‘spread voicings’.
You can then add in the upper extensions and alterations to get more interesting sounds from the chords.
I’d recommend checking out the final lesson in this course on how to read lead sheets: – that should clear things up for you :-)
Any other questions let me know.
I can see that the grades of the scales have a similar structure…like this.. I maj7.. …II m7…III m7…IV maj7….V7…VI m7 and finally VII diminished 7…why it works like that?
You talk about the Circle of 5ths and it might be worth mentioning that the circle also gives you an easy way of seeing the 251 chords for any key.
Start at the key and then take two steps clockwise. That step and the next steps anti-clockwise give you the roots of the 251.
For example, Cmaj: Start at C and move two steps clockwise. That lands you on D. And so Dmin, G7 and Cmaj (moving anti-clockwise) are the 251.
It works for any chord.
Hi Ivor 👋
Yes that’s a useful relationship to understand.
The circle of firths is a wonderful aid when learning jazz harmony and I recommend we print out a copy and stick it close to our piano or keyboard.
Thanks for sharing!
Hello Hayden
I see for most chords that the number 5 chord the root LH is up from the 2 chord
eg in F the LH root goes from G below middle C , then Middle C(2 to 5) and then down to F below middle C (5 to 1)
That makes sense so why does the LH root go down on the 2 chord in C, Bb and Ab. Any reason or is it a better sound?
At 11:18 you mention that the 7 chord is an F minor 7 flat 5, but it’s a C# minor 7 flat 5, right? Cheers, Hayden. Very overwhelmed (still) but as a classical guy, I’m loving the challenge. And realizing that I should probably be starting with practicing 2/5/1’s in all keys and that should keep me busy for months. Anyway. Thanks again for creating such a comprehensive course, and for being so accessible and helpful to your students.
Hi Ashton,
Thanks for spotting that error… I have corrected the voice mistake and replaced the video.
Yes jazz theory can be a little overwhelming to start with, it’s very natural. The key is consistent daily practice and in the space of a few weeks you will see solid improvements.
Remember to spend half of your practice on theory drills, and then half on playing jazz standards. The following tunes are the ones that i would recommend you start with:
Nearness Of You:
Pure Imagination:
My Funny Valentine:
The 3rd tune is more complicated but it’s good to get your toes wet in some of the more advanced theory.
You might also like to dip into my “5 Minute Masterclass” lessons which are short and succinct tutorials on more advanced topics. Find that course here: – lots of this theory will be new to you but I always found it motivating to see the next steps in the journey.
Hope that helps Ashton and thanks again for the heads up with the mistake in the narration.
If you have any questions you can reach me in the comments or in the forum area.
you might like to join this improv classroom program:
Hi Hayden,
I was practicing the Major scale diatonic 7th chords on the pdf practice sheet and I have a question. On the Eb major diatonic scales, is the A on the Cm7 chord suppose to be flat? I wanted to double check. I am thinking so, because it sounds augmented if not. I am trying to memorize these like you suggested.
I just realized something which is probably stupid but which I found amusing (or maybe interesting)…
If you take the famous B E A D G C F used to determine the flats in a minor key, and start a three notes suite from any note in that sequence, it gives a 251 progression !
B E A – E A D – A D G etc…
Is it pure coincidence, or does the 251 progression come from the same harmony logic ???
Hi Henri,
Yes that is correct. The circle of fifths, or the formula that you outline (B E A D G C F) is arranging the 12 notes of the piano in 5ths.
It’s important to understand that a 251 is simply 2 stacked 5th intervals, if we start from the bottom, we have the root, then a 5th up is the 5 chord, and then a 5th up is the 2 chord.
We can extend this by moving up another 5th from the 2 chord, and then we have 1-5-2-6 and even another 5th and we would have 1-5-2-6-3 or commonly referred to as the 36251 progression.
Check out these lessons and it should help you to understand this relationship:
We also discuss the 3625 progression from a beginner’s standpoint in these 2 lessons:
I just created a new lesson which explains the 5th interval relationship that I mention above, the video should be ready tomorrow and I will post a link for you here.
Let me know if I can help further and have fun playing around with this stuff!
Hi Suzanne 👋
There are 2 practice guides in this course. You can find these lessons in the “Practice Guides & Drills” module which is on the Foundations Course page:
I recommend students to start with the ‘essentials practice guide’ here: (see the downloads section on this page to download the practice plan)
The ‘essentials practice plan’ can be completed everyday, or once every 2 or 3 days so that you are gradually working on building the strongest possible foundations whilst also progressing onto the next courses.
We also have a much more in-depth practice plan which can be found here: – but for now I recommend you to work on the essentials planner.
The goal is to be able to get through all of the drills in the essentials practice guide, in all 12 keys, in around 5 or 10 minutes. We have to build up to this so it does take time.
In addition to completing these theory drills, make sure that you are spending some time on the jazz standard lessons to start building out your repertoire of tunes.
You might also like to check out the following seminar which explains the ‘essential chord progressions’ for beginners and how to practice them:
Please let me know if I can help further and enjoy the lessons.
Talk soon,
Hi Hayden,
This lesson is impossible to follow due to accelerated speed. I dont know how to fix it.
Please help
Sue Lewis
Hi Sue,
Please see the video player control in the bottom right hand corner of the video player.
By default this should show “1x” to indicate normal speed. You can use this option to slow it down (0.75, 0.5, 0.25) and also speed up (1.25, 1.5 etc…) and it sound like you have this on a faster speed.
Here is a video which explains our video player controls: – and in the 2nd chapter of the video I explain and show how to use the speed controls.
Please let me know if I can help further.
Talk soon,