“I Loves You, Porgy” Tutorial
In this lesson we create a solo piano arrangement of the song “I Loves You, Porgy”, written by George and Ira Gershwin.
The song was originally a duet in the well-known opera Porgy And Bess, and it has been recorded by numerous famous musicians since.
Notable Recordings
Good versions to check out are any versions you can find of the opera itself, Nina Simone has a great one, Bill Evans Trio live at the Village Vanguard as well as Solo Sessions Vol. 2, Billie Holiday, Keith Jarrett, just to name a few.
This arrangement is influenced by Bill Evans, and we will be using some material transcribed from his recordings of the tune.
Practice Tips
Spend some time to listen to the famous versions of this tune. It will give you more insight into phrasing of the melody and the meaning behind the lyrics.
This arrangement contains many examples of suspended harmony. Check out the related lessons above for more information on this type of voicing.
This lesson also references upper structure triads and many different types of chord alterations.
To refresh your knowledge on chord alterations, check out the theory lessons in our course on altered harmony.
Thank you, Tuomo. Thank you, Hayden. I watched the video. This is an absolutely beautiful arrangement and so understandable. I definitely can hear the Bill Evans AND Keith Jarrett influences but it’s uniquely Tuomo. I am really looking forward to going measure by measure through this piece. I grew up on Porgy and Bess and know every song in the operetta by heart. This is truly my favorite song (ok…yeah, Summertime, too…). Thanks again.
That’s wonderful to hear Lonnie, and thanks again for requesting this beautiful tune :-) Hayden
Thank You Lonnie, I’m so glad to hear you liked the arrangement, I Loves You Porgy is one of my absolute favorite songs as well.. All the best, -Tuomo
Tuomo, I know it has been a year and a month later since my last comment on this but I’m still blown away by this arrangement. Tonight i said to myself that I wanted to hear this song before going to sleep and once again i am thrilled by the arrangement and explanation. Thank you again (i promise i won’t send this comment yearly…ha ha ha..).
Thank you Lonnie, I’m glad to hear you still like it :)
Have you heard Keith Jarrett’s version of the song? That’s . one of my absolute favorites, here link:
Hope you like it, let me know if you have any questions.
Also we have started new transcription threads on the forum, please check it out! First thread is Bill Evans, second’s going to be posted this week, about Wynton Kelly.
All the best,
Tuomo, that’s why i love your arrangement of Porgy because I’ve listened to the Keith Jarrett’s version so much–in fact that whole album, The Melody at Night with you, has been played by me so many times. Blame it On My Youth’s arrangement is also one of my favorites other than Hayden’s arrangement…oh wait, Hayden hasn’t done “Blame It On My Youth” yet…(i’m sure it’s coming…ha ha ha…hint..hint..hint..). Thanks again, Tuomo, for the care and clarity of your lessons.
Thanks Lonnie!
Let me know if I can help in any way,
all the best,