Extended 251 Progression Drill
In this lesson we build upon the foundational 3-note voicings covered in lesson one of this course. We add more colour and texture to this basic progression by introducing the chord extensions 9ths and 13ths.
We start by exploring the similarities with the 3-note voicings to identify the voice leading of 7ths dropping to 3rds. We then drill the extended 251 progression around all 12 keys using the whole-step 251 pattern.
Type A & Type B Starting Points
Just as in the first lesson of this course, we can drill these progressions in both Type A and Type B. We play the root of the chords in our left hand and our right hand uses the following formulas:
For Type A we start on the ii-7 chord is 3-5-7-9 in the right hand, moving to b7-9-3-13 for the V7 chord, and resolving back to 3-5-7-9 of the Imaj7 chord.
- For Type B we invert our right hand voicing of the ii-7 chord to start with 7-9-3-5, moving to 3-13-b7-9 for the V7 chord, and resolving into 7-9-3-5 for the Imaj7 chord.
It’s important to visualise and internalise the voice leading in both Type A and Type B so that this movement happens smoothly and naturally with our muscle memory.
Lesson Downloads
Whole Step Extended 251s Type A File Type: pdf
Whole Step Extended 251s Type B File Type: pdf
Whole Step 251 Practice Sequence File Type: pdf
iRealPro Practice Drills File Type: file
Practice Tips
Study the voicing comparison at the start of the lesson so that you can visualise the 7ths falling to 3rds within the extended 251 progression.
Practice this drill in both Type A and Type B positions.
Remember that the voice leading is the same notes for Type A and B, but it occurs either in the middle, or at the bottom of the right hand voicing shape.
- Once you have mastered the basic exercises, explore some of the variations presented in the final chapter of the lesson.