“Alone Together” Comping Voicings
In this lesson we explore comping voicings and improvisation for the tune “Alone Together” which is a commonly called jazz standard written in a minor key.
Comping Voicings Styles & Techniques
The demonstration covers 3 whole choruses of comping voicings and techniques. The form of “Alone Together” is 44 bars long which creates 132 bars of comping demonstration in this performance. We explore the following voicing styles and principles:
- Drop 2 voicings
- Barry Harry voicings
- Quartal voicings
- Red Garland voicings
- Upper structure triads
- Tritone substitution
You can find detailed studies on these topics throughout the PianoGroove lessons and courses. Use the website search box to find both theory lessons and jazz standard lessons which incorporate this theory.
Lesson Downloads
Common Minor Voicing File Type: pdf
Practice Tips
Pay attention to the simple rootless left hand voicings throughout the improvised solo, often just few notes of the chord are played.
We often use the V of the next chord instead of II; for example E7 - A7 instead of E-7b5 to A7. This appears in different places throughout the solo.
Repeating the turnaround motif at the end of the form is a common way to end a tune. Apply this to other tunes you are working on.
Masterful arrangement and over 10 minutes worth of material to boot! Keep up the great work. Can’t wait to hear more of these!