3 Blues 251 Lines
In this short masterclass Tuomo demonstrates 3 common blues lines over a 251 cadence. To keep things simple we stay in the key of F, making the 251 progression Gm7-C7-Fmaj. These examples are great tools for improvising in various different styles from jazz and blues to pop music.
Lesson Downloads
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Practice Tips
Part of the challenge of learning new licks and lines is being able to play them in different keys. Try transposing these lines to a few of your more commonly used keys before expanding to all twelve.
Each of these lines is made up of several different components. You can mix and match these blocks from the 3 lines or try using them in a different context outside a 251 progression.
- To incorporate these into your improvisation try improvising over a 12 bar blues or another tune with a bluesy feel and play them in all of the 251 situations you can find.