3rd Interval Patterns
In this lesson we will use third intervals to create patterns and improvised fills over the 12 bar blues. We start by harmonizing the Mixolydian mode using third intervals, and we do this for the I, IV, and V chords.
Add Melodic Ornamentation
We infuse the 3rd interval patterns with bluesy embellishments, incorporating elements such as grace notes and trills. These additions add more character to the fills and create a more authentic blues piano sound.
Connecting Chords With 3rd Intervals
We will learn how to apply the 3rd interval fills to establish connections between the primary chords in the 12 bar blues progression, specifically, the I, IV, and V chords. Two main lines are presented in this lesson as well as what sets them apart.
Visualise The Triad Shape
One way to visualise these patterns is to see the 3rds as part of triad chords and build and add chromatic passing notes in between the chord tones of the triads.
Lesson Downloads
3rd Interval Fills & Patterns File Type: pdf
Practice Tips
Follow these drills until you become comfortable and confident with these individual components before adding them all together.
Play the two patterns demonstrated in the lesson over the I, IV, and V chords.
Focus on the 3rd intervals as these represent the foundation on which you can build.